

Master your body, thoughts and feelings.
Otherwise, you will be dominated by your energy!

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Man is an energetic being

Energy Astrology describes the energy anatomy formed by energy centers, chakras.

  • MARS (1st CHAKRA)  

    Function: base energy, self-preservation, survival

    Position in the body: at the bottom of the spine under the coccyx

    Parts of the body: coccyx anus, rectum legs, feet adrenal glands sciatic region immune system

    Problems related to imbalance:
    - general lack of energy,
    - anaemia,
    - body weight - oscillation,
    - closure,
    - haemorrhoids,
    - feeling cold,
    - body temperature,
    - inflammation,
    - bruises, cracking capillaries,
    - thin, sensitive skin,
    - hypersensitivity,
    - chronic fatigue,
    - exhaustion

    Emotional and psychological:
    - existential fear,
    - excessive conservatism,
    - jumping from project to project without conclusion,
    - anger/aggression

  • VENUS (2nd CHAKRA)  

    Function: emotional identity, satisfaction, attraction, creativity

    Position in the body: under the naval

    Parts of the body: backbone/lumbar, ovary, testes, prostate, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, small intestine, appendix

    Problems related to imbalance:
    - expression of sexuality,
    - prostate,
    - ovaries,
    - fertility/pregnancy,
    - PMS, menopausal,
    - hormonal imbalance,
    - sub-lumbar pain,
    - inflammation of the kidneys/bladder

    Emotional and psychological:
    - jealousy,
    - envy,
    - emotional coldness,
    - excessive expression of feelings,
    - excessive criticism,
    - perfectionism,
    - guilt,
    - dependence

  • SUN (3rd CHAKRA)  

    Function: individuality, power of personality, will, self-confidence, self-awareness, ego, action

    Position in the body: solar plexus, stomach

    Parts of the body: the upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gall bladder, duodenum, pancreas, adrenal glands

    Problems related to imbalance:
    - metabolism,
    - gastritis,
    - gastric acid,
    - diabetes,
    - back ache,
    - spine, body stance,
    - tension in the stomach, tension,
    - intolerance to a particular type of food,
    - reflux

    Emotional and psychological:
    - feeling helpless,
    - low self-esteem,
    - self-loathing,
    - does not know the word "no",
    - arrogance,
    - accepting authority,
    - excessive exposure to risk

  • MOON (4th CHAKRA)  

    Function: love, acceptance, forgiveness, inner peace, empathy, compassion

    Position in the body: in the area of the heart below the sternum

    Parts of the body: heart, chest, respiratory tract, lungs, immune system

    Problems related to imbalance:
    - weakened immune system,
    - allergies,
    - asthma,
    - breathing problems,
    - pneumonia,
    - eating disorders,
    - autoimmune diseases,
    - pain in chest and/or between shoulder blades,
    - problems with circulation,
    - back/chest pain,
    - high blood pressure

    Emotional and psychological:težave:
    - emotionless emptiness,
    - loneliness,
    - fear of convergence,
    - sadness,
    - distrust,
    - hatred, resentment,
    - imposing aid,
    - interfering with the lives of other people

  • MERCURY (5th CHAKRA)  

    Function: communication, speech, active listening, expressing authentic nature

    Position in the body: neck

    Parts of the body: neck, shoulders, thyroid, throat, throats, mouth, tongue, jaw, cervical vertebrae

    Problems related to imbalance:
    - throat inflammation, headache,
    - voice,
    - cough,
    - ‘frog in the throat’,
    - thyroid problems,
    hormonal problems

    Emotional and psychological:
    - dishonesty, lies,
    - communication problems,
    - vocal aggression,
    - indecisive,
    - problems with self-expression,
    - the person does not listen / does not understand

  • JUPITER (6th CHAKRA)  

    Function: conviction, cognition, vision, intuition, understanding, memory

    Position in the body: between the eyebrows

    Parts of the body: eyes, ears, cerebellum

    Problems related to imbalance:
    - vision problems,
    - catfish eye,
    - sinus problems,
    - migraine, headaches,
    - concentration problems,
    - memory problems,
    - insomnia / nightmares,
    - dizziness

    Emotional and psychological:
    - illusions,
    - lack or rejection of intuition,
    - problem with visualisation,
    - prejudices,
    - intolerance,
    - fanaticism

  • SATURN (7th CHAKRA)  

    Function: spirituality, integrity and connection with oneself, inner equilibrium, ability to let go, acceptance of life

    Position in the body: top of the head

    Parts of the body: central nervous system, cerebral cortex, the brain, pineal gland

    Problems related to imbalance:
    - headaches,
    - loss of hearing,
    - nervous disorders,
    - mental exhaustion,
    - depression,
    - does not accept spirituality,
    - focus on materialism

    Emotional and psychological:
    - fatigue

What is astrotherapy?

When we talk about astrotherapy, we think about identifying and connecting the problem we are facing with the astrological symbolism that describes this particular problem. This is the basis for efficient astrohealing therapy using essences.

Why astrotherapy

  • Overcoming negative emotional states and negative behaviors
  • Improving physical well-being
  • Exceeding your own limits
  • Developing your own abilities and potentials

If we want to maintain our health and consciously master all aspects of our life, so that we are facing the challenges of everyday life, we must learn how to establish and preserve the energy balance.

We can achieve this by combining:

energy astrology - the therapist connects the problem with the astrological symbolism, and

astrohealing - by taking essences that the therapist prepares individually, based on the natal astrological chart.

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How Astrotherapy Works

Complex astrotherapy

The process in which we achieve a complete transformation in all areas related to a particular chakra: mental, emotional and physical. Changes are reflected in relationships with other people, the general circumstances in the living areas that are presented with this chakra change.

Targeted astrotherapy

If you want to overcome a particular problem or to achieve concrete goals in a particular area. The goals can be aimed at emphasizing positive energy patterns in the natal horoscope, thus stimulating the progress and desired development in a certain field (education, career and financial area, love, communication ability, etc.) - naturally within the framework of potential natal horoscope.

Astrological map - energy map

Birth astrological chart, personal horoscope, is an inexhaustible source of information. With it, we can describe the characteristics of a person, what is her vital energy, a way of thinking and communicating with others, what are its emotional needs and how she expresses her emotions. It shows us the potential of a person, her interests, abilities and talents. It reveals weak points and challenges that a person must overcome and how they are facing them.

* You can contact us for your personal energy map

Energy Astrology

Energy astrology of a man treats the whole person as a spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and social being. If in any area of life we are confronted with problems that we can not control, this shows the energy imbalance in ourselves.

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Regain your inner balance

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